One of my fav. things about living in Idaho is watching the leaves turn. Its so pretty. I never get sick of it.
Who doesn't love jumping into a big pile of leaves . . . that someone else has spent time raking up? :)

How about taking pictures in the leaves? We just had our Messick Family Pics taken and I think they turned out pretty good. This is a pic. of Krew and his closest cousin Elsie. They are 3 months apart and they are so cute together. (I'm a theif I stole this off your blog sorry Camille.)
Pumpkin pie shakes

Apple cider

The boys of fall :) We all love watching football. Ok maybe Doug and Krew like it a little more than me. I don't mind tho, it gives me time to get some things done. Whenever we turn it on Krew stops what he's doing and yells FOOTBALL and starts clapping. Its pretty cute. He also has a mini football that he likes to practice throwing. He actually has a pretty good arm that little lefty, although I don't know how excited I am about that because he likes to throw his ball at breakable objects and we have had a few casualties :) We've also been able to go watch Doug's brother Allen play this year for the Shelley Russets who just moved up to 4A division and their doing great. His team is in the state playoffs right now- more pics to come of that! Connor, one of the boys in my primary class invited us to watch one of his games which was also lots of fun. I just love this football season!

Last but certainly not least: THANKSGIVING!!

Thanksgiving has always been one of my favorite holidays, but as it has been approaching I can tell that it is going to hold even greater meaning to me this year. This past month there have been a couple tradegies that have come upon a couple of our friends. They have hit close enough to home to really make me have much more of an eternal perspective. Its sad that it takes a tragedy for people to sometimes stand back and really look at whats important in life but that is definatly what I have been doing. I feel so blessed to have Doug and Krew. They mean the world to me. I'm never again going to complain about having a hard day with Krew because there is people out there who would give anything to have one day with their child. I want to start focusing more on being a better wife, mother, daughter, sister, aunt, and friend. I want to focus more on making sure that all my family and friends know how much I love and appreciate them. I want to make more time for reading my scriptures, and going to the temple. Those are the things that I should really add to my "to do" list and stress when they don't get done. I'm going to try not to get offended again because being offended is nothing but a waste of time. "Those who take offense when none is intended is a fool. Those who take offense when it is intended is also a fool" -President Monson. To all my friends and family: I LOVE YOU! and as of this past month have a greater resolve to let you know that, and I hope the feeling is mutual! When I look at my life with more of an eternal perspective these are the things that are most important to me.