Life out here in NY for us has been a little hectic lately. Doug seriously thinks I'm going crazy. And in all honesty I probably am. Enough about the hard tho. Doug had a big anatomy test last week and was gone until 11 pm every night of the week. He came home on friday after his test and announced that he wasn't going to touch his books all day sat. and he wanted to spend all day with us! Praise the Lord! This family day was MUCH needed. When Doug asked Krew what he wanted to do of course Krew said "THE ZOO!!" Which was kinda perfect because I had just broken down and purchased a zoo pass! Krew LOVES the zoo. The zoo here in Buffalo is so much better than the Idaho Falls zoo! Sure its not the hogal zoo but for us its quite a treat! We just don't have zoo's like this back in good ol' Idaho. This is one of Krew's favorite animals at the zoo.
This is Krew's absolutly FAVORITE animal at the zoo. He'll tell you all about everything he saw there but when he gets to the part about the BRRRRR's he'll say THEY"RE AWESOME!
Little Brody just snoozed almost our entire zoo visit!
When I signed up for our pass at the zoo I got some free ride passes. Krew was so excited to be able to ride on the rides! You can see in this pic. how much fun he is having.
Here is Krew on the train at the zoo. He wouldn't ride it by himself, so being that Brody decided he wanted to eat at that exact min. Doug was the lucky parent who got to ride the train with Krew. He was the only person over the age of four on the entire train! He was so embarassed oops i mean excited to be the only adult on the train at the zoo :)
When we got home from the zoo Doug decided to get out the Jeep that Mitch and Jack let Krew borrow to see if Krew is still afraid of it. . . it was a hit! Doug spent time showing him how to drive it however Krew is still a little wreckless on it.
Ruining the flower beds . . .
Wave at mommy! Yes, I did just ram your car momma. Smile and wave Krew, smile and wave.
Sat. afternoon Doug watched the boys so I could have some "grown up girl time" :) When I came home all 3 of my boys were asleep! . . .While my mom was here she slept on an air matress we put in our spare room. Krew slept with her one night and ever since she left he is always asking to sleep in Grandma's bed. He'll crawl in bed then say "I want gama to come back on her air plane" :) Here is a pic of him taking a nap in "Gama's bed".
Sweet right?
1 month ago
What?! A zoo better than our Idaho Falls zoo?? Haha! I'm sure it's a few big steps up!
How can Krew get ANY CUTER? But I tell ya, the kid does. He's amazing. We miss him. The kids talk about you all the time. Quincy is always talking about how long it would take to get to your house, and how many bridges we would have to cross. I think we better start planning for a visit now so we can afford the plane tickets.
Cute little Brody. He looks like a really good baby. I'm so glad it's going better this time for you.
I'm glad Doug got to spend some time with you guys. That zoo looks really fun!
It was so good talking to ya Sunday! I miss ya!
I would say that the polar bear is Awesome too!!! The girls would love that bear and the giraffes..we are animal lovers. When...I say when we come visit, we will have to go to the zoo. I am making Dan plan ahead--be it football or baseball season! Mr. Brody looks comfortable as ever and that pic of Krew in grandma's bed is too cute. I bet it brought tears to his "gama's" eyes!
AAAhhhhhhh! I miss all of you soo much!! And I wish I was right there next to Krew taking a nap too! You know you just need to leave "Gama's bed" up forever now? Your day at the zoo looks like it was well worth the week of work for all of you! However, I think you probably ought to invest in some driving lessons for Krew pretty quick before he's running over something a little more damageable than the flower beds! :) I love you!!
Hang in there! You'll adjust to two kids. It's a lot of work in the beginning but eventually both will sleep through the night and you'll feel human once again. Let me know if you need anything. :)
Way to go Doug! Spending time with family during dental school is soooo needed. The ups and downs and crazyness should give you a degree in 4 years too! If you ever need to vent or talk let me know. I used to need that sometimes!
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